Board of Directors
Corporate Governance
Board Committees
Growth and stability for all our stakeholders is our main goal in attaining good governance. We are committed to exercise for the vested authority accountability, transparency, participative and dynamic way of our systems within the organization.

Company Policies
Code of Business Conducts and Ethics guides the Directors, senior management and employees in the conducts of their business, dealings, actions and decisions that must be in compliance with principle of good governance. It should be aligned in the principle of integrity, core values, honesty, fairness, professionalism, team cooperation, with concern in the company they work for, for the company’s sustainability.
For the Directors to conduct himself in a manner that consist of taking advantage of his position in a transaction. He must not act for his own interest but for the interests of the beneficiaries of the trust, the corporate shareholders, and his clients. He must avoid any act of self-dealing which include misappropriation or usurpation of corporate assets or opportunities.
All members of the senior Management are expected to avoid any transaction that would lead to a conflict of interest or any transaction that could sow a seed of doubt as to their loyalty to the corporation. They must also avoid any act of self-dealing as it is considered wrongful conduct. The members of the senior management are expected to be persons who act in Good Faith and maintain trust, special confidence, and candor in their dealings with other persons. They are expected to disclose to a higher management official any probable conflict of interest that may arise.
Employees are expected to avoid any transactions that would sow a seed of doubt of conflict of interest. They must also avoid any self-dealing transactions as it is wrongful conduct. They must maintain to be a person who has duties of Good Faith, trust, special confidence, and candor toward another person. Disclosure to a senior management official is expected in case that probable conflict of interest will arise.